Moonstruck Mackerel Changelog
Moonstruck Mackerel » Devlog

- Initial version for iOS (not available on All touch screen buttons enabled, Controls and About screen is only an About screen, with no controls information shown --since the touch screen controls are on screen at playtime. Splash screen buttons are Start and About.
- HUD (heads-up display) in ideal location for 23 different iPhone models (all versions of iPhone 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, XR, X, SE, including s, s Max, mini, Pro, Pro Max, and Plus variations).
- "Loading" message location optimized for 23 different iPhone models (all versions of iPhone 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, XR, X, SE, including s, s Max, mini, Pro, Pro Max, and Plus variations).
(iOS version became available on the App Store on February 9, 2024.)
- Added new "click" sound for when no water or air bullets are available when you try to shoot one, giving an indication that you need to refuel your water or air.
- Added new UI code, most of which is invisible in 1.6.0 (disabled) but is there nevertheless. This includes the touch screen buttons used in the iOS version (disabled in the desktop versions). It also includes the new START, Control + Info, and OK buttons as well as the new splash screen and Controls and About screen that contain them. "Loading" message location optimized.
- Launch screen shows as solid teal color before splash screen is displayed.
- HUD (heads-up display) in upper left corner now has larger icons and font, due greater readability necessary for iOS version.
- Improved color scheme for Controls and About screen.
- Added new Level 5 and moved previous Level 5 to Level 6.
- Fixed sky background art in Level 2.
- Fixed bug that was causing robots that had already collapsed and were about to burn just before they fell underwater (or touched rain) to burn underwater indefinitely and with a frozen fire animation. This was part of an earlier bug that was thought to have been fixed, but was still occurring. Now, this series of events still correctly results in the fire briefly being visible in the water right before it is automatically extinguished by the surrounding water. Of course, in most cases, robots that fall in water or touch rain are not collapsed yet --and in these cases, correctly, no fire is seen in the water or rain at all as collapse occurs.
- Fixed bug that was occasionally causing robots to collapse twice underwater or in the rain rather than just once.
- Minor art touchup.
- Fixed a few more uneven surfaces that had been discovered.
- Fixed bug that allowed a crashed/burning HeliBot on the altar to perpetually prevent proper teleportation --making the player sometimes end up underneath the altar and never be able to get out and extinguish the fire to continue. Now, crashed/burning HeliBots on altars automatically get extinguished when the player teleports back to the altar. However, the new bug fix for passing through enemies when taking damage (described below) was also made for this release, making this fix less significant.
- Fixed bug that could sometimes cause player to be in swim mode above the water if touched by an enemy immediately after touching water.
- Made game window resizable. Prior to this, the game window was intentionally non-resizable because the resolution was static. However, on MacOS, after going into fullscreen mode and back again, the game window could scale and stay stuck maximized (not fullscreen, but maximized to the size of the entire screen) and then potentially be at the wrong resolution. MacOS would not allow the window to be resized to fix this because the game itself was built to be non-resizable, despite the fact that the fullscreen mode toggle actually resized it. The only workaround was to always change the screen resolution when playing the game, because even a reinstall of the game would not restore the original window size and resolution. Now, however, the game window is resizable so that you can simply adjust it until it looks good.
- Fixed bug that had allowed air bubbles to be released from within the water waves and continue into the sky because they started high enough to never hit the trigger to be destroyed. Now, air bubbles cannot be released from within the waves at the surface of the water.
- Fixed stickiness in a certain area due to 1-pixel difference in terrain elevation.
- Minor art touch ups.
- Fixed bug where you could ride HeliBots and JetBots into the sky by applying continuous horizontal velocity against them. This was also the same bug causing the player to glide or repeatedly somersault across the robots' hitboxes at times. Now, when you become translucent and temporarily invulnerable after taking damage from a robot, you also temporarily pass through the robots (and the gems) but continue to interact with the terrain. The biggest gameplay impact for that behavior is that temporarily being unable to collect gems is now part of the cost of taking damage. It therefore takes some additional distance and strategy to collect certain gems at certain times. However it is now easier to simply take damage and go through a guarding robot (bouncing on top of them still works), and there is no more of the awkward rolling or gliding that sometimes accompanied that process.
- All new water physics using composite triggers of only one type. Previous triggering used two types (water and water transition) which weren't composites, leading to excessive calls to collision callbacks and giving rise to a collision enter/exit race condition that could very rarely result in land mode while underwater. Now, water/land states and transitions are more efficient and reliable. In addition, the new water physics allow for jumps into the water from higher elevations to accurately result in deeper diving depths.
- Fixed stickiness in two walls where certain areas had 1-pixel difference in widths.
- Fixed how robots fall and get destroyed in the final factory level, since new physics changes had affected that.
- Fixed bug in behavior of crashed HeliBot, which could sometimes catch on fire underwater and freeze the fire animation.
- Fixed zig-zag trail glitch when teleporting or entering moon too quickly.
- Fixed teleport lag introduced by 1.3.0 changes.
- Added new background castles in Levels 2 and 4.
- Fixed vertical and horizontal seams in clouds on walls and floors.
- Fixed physics for robots underwater so that they can no longer hurt or trap you when smashed and falling on you.
- Made all Rigidbody physics completely framerate independent to make speeds and bullet parabolas consistent across devices.
- Made all robots slightly faster.
- Fixed slowdown issue in the final factory level.
- Rewrote the swimming code to allow for swimming to the surface and staying there (without automatic boost out).
- Waves now have more ripples and contain both opaque and translucent layers for better aesthetic look.
- Columns in the water now show through the new translucent waves.
- Fixed minor bug introduced in 1.2.0 where a third air bubble would bounce off a DrillBot after having absorbed the first two.
- Fixed additional wall stickiness in uneven areas underneath certain ledges.
- Fixed additional wall/floor corners in clouds.
- Fixed global wall stickiness and floor clipping issues.
- Removed adjustment bounce-down code which was there to mitigate the prior wall stickiness. This also fixed the bug where the occasional bouncing off the undersurface of the water had been happening.
- Fixed ledge sticking and looping of transition states.
- Moved teleport button from left 'Ctrl' to 'K'.
- Moved exit-to-title-screen button from 'Esc' to 'P'.
- Fixed issue where refocusing application with mouse was triggering teleportation.
- Added walking sounds.
- Fixed stickiness in a certain area due to 1-pixel difference in terrain elevation.
- Removed seams in wall/floor corners in clouds.
- Made physics changes in how crashed robots sink and settle underwater.
- Changed to make the robots stay smoking after getting defeated and extinguished --instead of just disappearing.
- Bug fix to make collapsible floors in the final factory level absorb water bullets like all other terrain, rather than accumulating them.
1.0.1 - 1.0.10
- Cleaned up art.
- Added splash sounds for robots falling in water.
- Fixed bug where robots could pin you to walls or floors. Added back-off behavior to robots.
- Fixed bug in robot back-off code where robots would stay in this mode if they had killed the player --and was only cancelled if that robot actually touched the player a second time. Now, the robot back-off logic is based on distance to the player instead of previous contact.
- Fixed floor clipping issues.
- Fixed spatial blending of the spark sounds for one of the robot types.
- Initial version
Files 63 MB
Dec 09, 2023
MoonstruckMackerel.tar.gz 52 MB
Dec 09, 2023 53 MB
Dec 09, 2023
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Moonstruck Mackerel
A walking fish's journey over land, water, and sky to stop the invading robots!
Status | Released |
Author | Doug_KeithNakamura |
Genre | Platformer |
Tags | 16-bit, 2D, Pixel Art, Retro, Robots, Short, Side Scroller, Singleplayer, underwater |
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